
Showing posts from January, 2014

29012014 X)

2014's CNY IS AROUND THE CORNER..... 2014's CNY is around the corner and I am so excited!!! PHEWWWWW!!! I am not really excited about what we eat for the whole CNY, but I am just excited about how many Angpau i got this year... *teehee* OVER EXCITED!!!! Just finished "decorating" my blog and arhhh.. *sigh* Small decorations makes no big difference. I don't know what the hell am I crapping about but yea, I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!! So, January is going to end and we're going to welcome the brand new month, February. I am not excited about the new month though, coz' my SPM result is releasing on the following month, March. Honestly,, I don't study much for my SPM and I really hope I can do "ok" well in my SPM. I really don't wish to have a lousy and crappy result. #fingercrossedandprayhard Then, the next issue is... CHOOSING THE RIGHT COLLEGE TO GO. I'd already chose to go TARUC for founda...

27012014 ♥

考车记。 今天心血来潮,想写一篇有意义的短文。=D 刚才看了我的二逼青年的朋友写的文章... 不错嘛! 我不知道原来他有非常好的写作能力。 莎士比亚说: “我们应该相信神。” 这句话我终于领悟了。 在一个风和日丽的早上, 我....急着出门赶着把我重要的P Licence带回家 结果,就在我锁门的那一刻, 我发现我竟然忘记拜神! 唯一可以默默帮我的神! 我竟然不小心把他给忘了!! 由于Aunty在外面等我已久, 我不好意思给他继续等, 想说... 神,应该知道我今天要考车。 后来我发现,其实,神不知道。 旁观者会觉得考车不过不要紧,小事only... 可是!那种紧张到要死的心情你们知道吗?! 真的是有够UNLUCKY的咯! 经过这一次教训,我以后不会再不小心把默默帮助我的神忘记, 我会提早通知他..... 前几天在Facebook看到一个新闻, 我深深感到非常的..... 无言 == 我希望那个去的人不会被烧成灰回来! 他还需要回家做报告,告诉人家太阳多好玩。 我国一级棒的首相最近将kangkung的价钱 eh,,, decrease造成许多老百姓很不满。 后来,我们的一级棒的首相又在新闻讲 kangkung的价钱是好是坏。 他表示,kangkung的价格很高的时候我们complain, 现在跌了我们没有称赞人他。 在这里,我代表所有的老百姓跟你讲thank you. 是你让我过几天听到人家讲kangkung又起价了! 是你让我看到原来马来西亚那么多人才! 话说,那些网络达人做的kangkung歌真的很好笑, 创意十足! 一定要给你们LIKE! 虽然kangkung炒belacan是不错啦, 可是我真的觉得他有病 ==  Okay, last but not least.... 新年要到了! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈! 好开熏,好期待! -END-

08012014 ♥

NEW YEAR, NEW START.  Is a brand new year and I guess everyone will be writing status everywhere.. Btw, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Apparently, I spent my Christmas and my New Year in Klang. Basically, it was fun!! We'd had " angmor " style dinner for Christmas and Boxing day credit to my cousins and also me, the sous chef. I did a very great job, I think? But, of course, they did much much much much better than me hahaha. The best is the Chef lol. Give you lotsa likes! Well, let's start from the Christmas first. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. We had a very rush preparation for our Christmas Day. We supposed to buy our turkey on the Christmas Eve but we can't find in the grocery stores nearby my aunt's house. The reason to buy a day before Christmas is because Turkeys are imported from somewhere else and they're all frozen. Plus! Turkeys size are huge, so we need to put overnight to let it defrost. But, toooooo bad. We only manage...