28062014 =)


OMG! A week has passed and I haven't really study yet!!!!!
Now I only realized actually I was having a study break lol but I enjoyed my week wisely?!

I missed home,
I missed mom.
I missed dad.
I missed my brother.
I missed my sister.
And... I missed my friends....❤️

I felt so sorry to my brother because he wants to Wechat with me but I stole the iPad up to KL without telling him until he went up to the bus and said goodbye to me and he only realized what the fuck? I stole his iPad.
At that moment, I felt so sad and sorry to my brother and also, I think I'm selfish.
What the fuck was I thinking?! :(

I don't know what I did in BP for the past few days hahahahaa...
What I can recall is, hang out with my friends everyday. LOL~
And the time that I spent with my family was quite little. :(
I feel bad! Hahahahaa
When I received mom's whatsapp, I felt so warmed and happiness in tithe sudden.
I didn't expect I'll miss home so badly. :(
But still, I'm lazy to go back hahahahahahaaaaa.

Today, is a very emotional day.
I don't know why?!

Can you imagine, you only meet your friends for maybe once a month? Or even longer?
But suddenly stay together with each other for almost everyday and you're leaving them..
What the fuck?!
I'm experiencing this kind of life now.
I was meeting my friends almost everyday, every night.
And some of them came to KL with me but they're going back tomorrow.
Especially Karen Goo moo moo.❤️
Wow! Damn~

This is weird. :/

The first night when I arrived BP, mom came out and opened the gate for me.
That kind of feeling is like WOW! I'm back to my own territory. Yay!
I even thought of coming back to KL earlier so that I can prepare for my test next week but I'm fucking wrong. Hahahahahahaaaaa~~~
Then, mom cooked my favourite soup, ehh, black beans soup for me.
Yay! Black beans soup!!❤️
Then, I was crapping a lot of craps with my mummy and of course she gave me a few feedback and advice.

So I woke up quite late the next day lol.
Was too late to take breakfast so eat whatever I've at home instead.
Then, I went to BP mall with Karen Goo to buy some stuffs back to KL and later went to dad's friend's place for dinner.
After dinner, I went for haircut in the saloon that I always go and I felt so refresh after cutting my grass off hahahahahahaaaaa! That feeling is sooooooooo good!
After my haircut, I went to meet my upline, Joeyee. LOL!
And I saw another buddy beside the cafe that we went and that wash may first time to play with darts.
I'm sorry if I destroyed your darts lol but I'm really sucks in playing darts.
That was my first time FYI.
After meeting them, go back to sleep la of course.

The next day, I can't recall what I did that day.
But I know I went to meet everybody lol.
Okay, skip.

The next day what the fuck.
My day is for my family and my night is for my friends.
So basically, I stayed with my family in the day, and stay with my friends in the night.

On one of the day, I went to watch movie with a few friends.
Okay larh, not so bad and not so good.
I almost fall asleep lol because I always fell asleep in the cinema.
Too romantic and nice to sleep alrd maybe lol.

Today is my 2nd time to BDP.
Although the scenario was slightly different than the first BDP that I went but I still learnt many stuffs.

So that's my week and mummy packed my favourite loh bak for me! Yay!!!

 = END  =